Thursday, October 26, 2023
CONTACT: Sara Loflin, Executive Director at [email protected]
DENVER: Last week, the Colorado Conservative Patriot Alliance, a “conservative nationalist group” with ties to known Colorado white supremacists released their municipal candidate endorsements. Responding to this outrageous intrusion into Colorado politics by the racist fringe of the conservative movement, ProgressNow Colorado, the state’s largest multi-issue progressive advocacy organization, released the following statement:
“ProgressNow Colorado stands with Working Families Party, demanding that all of the candidates endorsed by this group unambiguously reject and disavow both the endorsement and ideologies of the Colorado Conservative Patriot Alliance,” said Sara Loflin, ProgressNow Colorado Executive Director.
“For decades now, Colorado has stood in firm opposition to hate, and supported abortion rights along with opportunity and equity for all. It is appalling to me that the endorsed candidates would have a shred of shared values with this group, and if this group does not represent them, we call on every single endorsed candidate to immediately make very clear that they reject both the organization and its endorsement.”