Tuesday, September 12, 2023
CONTACT: Sara Loflin, Executive Director at [email protected]
DENVER: Responding to plans by far-right Rep. Lauren Boebert to bring Rep. Matt Gaetz, the outspoken “Christian” member of Congress recently investigated in connection with sex scandals, sex trafficking, illegal drug use, and sex with a minor to southwest Colorado to co-host a Republican fundraiser, ProgressNow Colorado, the state’s largest multi-issue progressive advocacy organization, called on Boebert to leave Gaetz in her native state of Florida for the upcoming La Plata County Lincoln Day Dinner.
“Rep. Lauren Boebert is free to consort with whoever she wants, but Ms. Boebert should leave Mr. Gaetz in Florida,” said ProgressNow Colorado executive director Sara Loflin. “Colorado Republicans should never forget how Boebert and Gaetz ground the U.S. House to a stop to obstruct the new Republican speaker. If Ms. Boebert is really concerned about stopping human trafficking and sexual misconduct, she should not be bringing an individual to her district who barely escaped prosecution for both. For everyone else, this is a clear reminder that Boebert refuses to listen to the voters of her district while she pursues personal political vendettas over protecting Colorado jobs. This is not ‘draining the swamp’ as she would claim.”
“The voters of southwest Colorado want to hear Boebert’s plan for protecting Colorado jobs, water, and the land that is the lifeblood of the Third Congressional district,” said Loflin. “Bringing Matt Gaetz to Colorado only draws attention to the political infighting in Washington and neglect of the most basic responsibilities of federal lawmakers. Gaetz’s deplorable personal scandals and hypocritical grandstanding make him the worst role model southwest Colorado has seen since…well, Lauren Boebert.”
WHO: Far-right Reps. Lauren Boebert and (tentatively) Matt Gaetz
WHEN: September 23, 2023 at 5:00PM
WHERE: Sky Ute Casino Resort, 14324 Hwy 172 North, Ignacio
WHAT: La Plata County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner