Once again, Happy New Year, and welcome to the 2023 session of the Colorado legislature! Did you cheer with me as Colorado progressives in the State House and Senate broke barriers and records? Today, we have the most diverse general assembly (more women, BIPOC, LGBTQ, and young legislators) than ever in Colorado’s history.
In November, Coloradans like you sent a very clear message: the antics of the Lauren Boebert party do not represent what you want to see or what you value. As I listened to House Speaker McCluskie and Senate President Fenberg deliver their remarks this morning, I thought about what I wanted to see from our state this session and this fall: real solutions and investments in affordable housing, a continued push to keep abortion safe and accessible, clean air to breathe as I play outside with my family, equity and opportunity for ALL, refugees and immigrants treated with dignity and respect, an effort to ensure that we are not a state that locks up more people than a communist dictatorship, accountability for fossil fuel industries and big Pharma as they price gouge gasoline and prescription drugs…
I could go on. But then I thought, “what I’d really like to see is for Colorado to continue to be a state that leads the nation in real solutions to affordability AND for Colorado to be the state that leads the nation in ensuring equity and access to ALL Coloradans across issues.”
At ProgressNow Colorado, we stand ready to support progressive values and legislation at the legislature this year, while pushing back against the extremist antics of the party of Lauren Boebert.
So tell us, what is your wish list for the 2023 legislative session?
Thank you for all you do (and looking forward to a successful 2023 legislative session),
Sara Loflin, Executive Director