Monday, June 5, 2023
CONTACT: Sara Loflin, Executive Director at [email protected]
DENVER: ProgressNow Colorado, the state’s largest online progressive advocacy organization, today called on Rep Lauren Boebert (R-CD3) to apologize to her constituents in Colorado’s Third Congressional District for failing to do her job by not voting on the debt ceiling bill and then lying about her reason for missing the vote.
“Lauren Boebert has failed again and owes an apology to the people she’s supposed to serve in Western and Southern Colorado,” said ProgressNow Colorado Executive Director Sara Lu Loflin. “Members of Congress have one job: to vote on legislation. Boebert failed her most basic responsibility. And then Boebert lied about missing the vote by claiming days later it was a ‘protest’. It wasn’t. Newly revealed video shows she was simply late and then tried to cover up her tardiness.”
There is both a written record and now video of Boebert desperately running up the Capitol steps and hearing the vote was closed. Days later, Boebert claimed that after attacking the bipartisan debt ceiling deal all week that she missed the vote as a “no show protest”. Boebert even posted a video lying about it.
“Lauren Boebert clearly doesn’t want to work and doesn’t want the job,” said Loflin. “Colorado’s Third District deserves someone representing them who actually cares about public service, who shows up to vote on their behalf, and doesn’t tell lies.”