On Monday, ProgressNow Colorado called for a new ad released by Republican congressional candidate Barb Kirkmeyer to be removed from circulation for falsely claiming that her opponent and the Democratic majority in the Colorado legislature “legalized fentanyl.” [1]
There is absolutely no justification for Kirkmeyer’s claim that “Democrats legalized fentanyl.”
That simply never happened.
It’s not just misleading, or a difference of opinion, it’s a knowing and deliberate flat-out lie.
In a devastating Truth Test last night, 9NEWS’ Kyle Clark explained exactly how this ad is false, and how Kirkmeyer’s knowledge of the truth as a Colorado lawmaker elevates this incident from a merely false statement to a flat-out lie.

Local news outlets Colorado Newsline and the Colorado Times-Recorder have also picked up the story:

Next steps: With Kirkmeyer refusing to respond to press inquiries about this blatantly false ad even as it continues to run in heavy circulation, it’s up to us to take action. Take a moment right now to call all four of Denver’s major television stations and urge them to pull Kirkmeyer’s lies off the air immediately.
KDVR FOX 31/Channel 2: 303-595-3131
CBS4 Denver: 303-861-4444
9NEWS Denver: 303-871-9999
Denver7: 303-832-7777
When you call, remember to be respectful and as brief as possible with the employee you speak with. Responsible media outlets should immediately remove this ad from broadcast, and Barb Kirkmeyer owes the residents of the Eighth Congressional District an apology for brazenly lying about this gravely important subject. Kirkmeyer is the offender, not our local news stations, and this is a chance for these trusted media outlets to do the right thing and refuse to broadcast indefensibly false information.
We’d love to hear how your outreach goes! Please feel free to drop us a line and relay your experience–especially if you’re told the ad will stop running.
Thanks once again for defending the truth in these last few days before the crucial 2022 midterm elections. With your help, we can push back against the far right’s lies and misinformation successfully. Like Kirkmeyer herself, who supported Weld County seceding from the rest of Colorado in 2013, outrageously dishonest politics have no place in our state.
Sara Loflin, Executive Director